(ESTD 1997-1998)
Sponsored by the Exhibition Society
Affiliated to Osmania University
M.Pharm, Pharmacology, Phd. (Persuing)
Designation : Asst.Professor
Department : Pharmacology
Research interest: Interested to work in diabetes and hypertensive drugs
Academic profile : D pharmacy, B pharmacy, M pharmacy, Phd . (persuing)
Pharmacy (Pharmacology) from Nizam Institute of Pharmmacy , Deshmukhe, Near Ramoji film city, Hyderabad in 2013.
B.Pharmacy from Luqman College of Pharmacy, Gulbarga, Gulbarga University, Karnataka State in 1999
Completed academic project works entitled : Interaction Herbal Drug between Ocimum Santum and Glimepride in Rats under the Supervision of Asst. Prof. D. Sudharshan Reddy.
Teaching Experience : Worked as Principal Cum Lecturer in Noble college of pharmacy,Gulbarga. K.S.
Present Position : As Asst. Professor, Pharmacology Dept,Sarojini Naidu Vanita Pharmacy Maha Vidyala, Hyderabad, T.S.
Industrial experience : under gone inplant training in the formulation division of Indian Drugs & Pharmaceutical limited, Hyderabad, from 3/12/1999 to 31/1/2000 after B pharm.
Hospital Training : Undergone Practical Training in Osmania General Hospital Pharmacy 750 hrs,from 24/8/1987 to 5/12/1987, after D pharm.
Worked as pharmacist at Northern Area Armed forces Hospital,KKMCH,Hafr al Batin, K.S.A . 6 YRS, Dec, 2012 to dec , 2018.
Awards received : In Recognition of excellent performance during employment at the Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Northern Area Armed Forces Hospital, (KKMCH) Hafr al Batin, K.S.A.
Conference attended: 6
Oral Presentation: 01
Poster Presentation: 01
Professional Member Ship : Registered As Pharmacist Andhra Pradesh Council, Hyderabad.
Hobbies : Reading Books, Cricket, Listening Music.