Sarojini Naidu Vanita Pharmacy Maha Vidyalaya

(ESTD 1997-1998)
Sponsored by the Exhibition Society
Affiliated to Osmania University

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Student Name-                                                  Roll No.                                   Class                     

teacher Name :                                      Subject :                                     

Please mark your selection by circling only one number in each row.


S.No. Parameter Very


Poor Average Good best
1. Teacher is punctual to Class 1 2 3 4 5
2. I am able to understand and follow the


1 2 3 4 5
3. Teacher knows the subject well 1 2 3 4 5
4. Teacher encourages students to ask


1 2 3 4 5
5. Teacher tries to understand student’* point of view \1 2 3 4 5
6. Teacher takes special care of students

who are not able to understand.

1 2 3 4 5
7. Encourages me to think and explore

new ideas.

1 2 3 4 5
8. Teacher is willing to help me outside

of class

1 2 3 4 5
9. Provides timely feedback on my work. 1 2 3 4 5
10. My overall experience with teacher 1 2 3 4 5

Grievance Redressal Committee

In order to ensure transparency in imparting technical education admissions and with paramount objective of unfair practices and to provide a mechanism to innocent students for redressal of their grievance, Sarojini Naidu Vanita Pharmacy Maha Vidyalaya, Tarnaka, Secunderabad, Telangana state, constituted GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL COMMITTEE as per the AICTE (Establishment of Members Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012 under clause 1 of section 23 of the AICTE Act,1987(52) of 1987 Notifications F.No.37-3/Legal/2012, dated 25-02-2012.

The Grievance Redressal Committee is being formed at the college level comprising the following Members:


Name of Faculty Designation Position
Dr.T. Sarita Jyotsna Principal Chairman
Dr. N.Srinivas Director Member
Smt. Leemol Shaju Senior Assistant Professor Member
Srrlt.R.Meenakshi Assistant Professor Member
Smt. N. Indira Rani Assistant Professor Member
Smt.C.Krishnaveni Assistant Professor Member


The students are the main stakeholders in any Institution imparting education and it is our endeavor to make all efforts to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages. Taking this spirit in consideration, the Institute is providing mechanism for redressal of student’s grievances.

The Grievances may include the following complaints of the aggrieved students.

  1. Academic
  2. Administrative
  3. Grievance related to the attendance
    • Grievance regarding conduct of Examinations
    • Harassment by students or teachers

    Procedure for Redressal of Grievances:

    • An aggrieved student who has the Grievance or Grievances shall represent written application first to the Member Chairman of committee
    • An aggrieved student who has the Grievance or Grievances shall represent written application first to the Member of committee
    • All complaints shall be After verifying the facts, all complaints and enquiries relating to misconduct of student shall be represented to the committee.
    • Chairman and all committee members will try to redress the grievance within a week of the receipt of application of the student
    • If nature of complaint is not severe then student will be counselled and if it is severe they GRC may form a subcommittee to check severity of complaint and all enquiries by subcommittee will be considered again to resolve the problem
    • COLLEGE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE (CAC)                       The College has constituted College Academic Committee (CAC) with the following members .        
      Name Designation Position
      Dr. N.Srinivas Director Chairperson
      Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Member-Convener
      Dr. T. Mamatha Vice-Principal Member
      Dr. V.Jyothi Professor & HOD Member
      Dr. B.Haarika Professor & HOD Member
      Dr. S. Anuradha Bai Associate Professor Member
      Mrs. C. Manjulatha Assistant Administrative Officer Non teaching faculty


       The College has constituted Examination Committee with the following members.

      Name Designation Position
      Dr. N.Srinivas Director Chairperson
      Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Member-Convener
      Dr. T. Mamatha Vice-Principal Member
      Dr. S. Anuradha Bai Associate Professor Member
      Mrs. Muni Sireesha Assistant Professor Member
      Mrs. C. Manjulatha Assistant Administrative Officer Member
      Mrs.. Cyril Kumar Placement Officer Member



 The College has constituted Sports and Cultural Committee with the following members.

Name Designation Position
Dr. N.Srinivas Director Chairperson
Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Member-Convener
Dr. T. Mamatha Vice-Principal Member
Dr. B. Haarika Professor & HOD Member
Mrs. R.V.S. Lathasree Associate  Professor Member
Mrs. M. Rajeswari Assistant Professor Member


 The College has constituted College News Letter and Website Committee

with the following members.

Name Designation Position
Dr. N.Srinivas Director Chairperson
Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Member-Convener
Dr. T. Mamatha Vice-Principal Member
Dr. K. Neelima Associate Professor Member
Mrs. R.V.S. Lathasree Associate Professor Member
Ms. P. Madhuri Student Member
Ms. Lisa Patel Student Member


The College has constituted Library Advisory Committee with the following members.


S.NO Name Designation Position
1 Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Chairman
2 Dr. T. Mamatha Vice-Principal Member
3. Dr. B. Haarika


Professor & HOD Member
4. Mrs. C. Sudha Librarian Member
5. Mrs. Vijayalatha Librarian Member


 The College has constituted Hostel Committee with the following members.


S.NO Name Designation Position
1 Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Chairman
2 Dr. T.Mamatha Vice-Principal Member-Convener
3. Smt. Sandhya Depala Joint Secretary Member
4. Smt. Suhasini Mudraganam Board Member Member
5. Smt. A. Sushma Board Member Member


The College has constituted Scientific Committee with the following members.


S.NO Name Designation Position
1. Dr. N.Srinivas Director Chairman
1 Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Member-Convener
2 Dr.T.Mamatha Vice-Principal Member
3. Dr. B. Haarika Professor & HOD Member
4. Dr. S.Hemalatha Professor & HOD Member
5. Dr. Anuradhabai Associate Professor Member
6. Dr. K. Neelima Associate Professor Member
7. Mrs. M. Rajeswari Assistant Professor Member


       The College has constituted Alumni Committee with the following members.


Name Designation Position
Dr. T. Saritha Jyostna Principal Chairperson
Dr. N.Srinivas Director Coordinator
Dr. T.Mamatha Vice-Principal Member
Dr. B.Haarika Professor & HOD Member
Smt. N. Indira Rani Assistant Professor Member
Smt. Ch. Bhargavi Assistant Professor Member
Smt. M.Rajeswari Assistant Professor Member


          The College has constituted Career Guidance Cell & Placement Committee with the following members.


Name Designation Position
Dr. N.Srinivas Director Chairperson
Dr. T. Venu Professor & HOD Coordinator
Dr. B.Haarika Professor & HOD Member
Smt. G. Srilalitha       Assistant Professor Member
Sri Cyril Kumar  Placement officer Member


           The College has constituted Equipment Maintenance Committee with the following members.


Name Designation Position
Dr. N.Srinivas Director Chairperson
Dr. B.Haarika Professor & HOD Member
Smt. B.Vanaja       Assistant Administrative Officer Member
Sri P. Sridhar Maintenance Manager Member



Name of Faculty Designation Position
Sr.No. Name Nature

Powers and Functions of the Institutional Development and Monitoring Committee (IDMC): The IDMC shall monitor the following activities of the college.

  1. To give directions regarding methods of instructions, evaluation, research or improvements in academic standards.
  2. To consider matters of academic interest and to take proper action thereon.
  3. To make arrangements for the conduct of examinations in conformity with the laws of Osmania University.
  4. To promote research within the institute, acquire reports on such research activities from time to time.
  5. To make periodic review of the activities of the departments/centers and to take appropriate action (including making of recommendations to the Governing Body) with a view to maintaining and improving the standards of instruction
    and assistant professors to the Governing Body of the college.