(Sponsored by the Exhibition Society)
Accredited A+ Grade by NAAC



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Sarojini Naidu Vanita Pharmacy Maha Vidyalaya (SNVPMV) utilizes Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which plays a pivotal role in education through smart classrooms, and specialized software like Clinirex and Expharma series, facilitating enhanced learning experience.

  • 18 well-ventilated and spacious classrooms with LCD projector, computer system  & Projection screen.
  • 23 modern modular laboratories with attached preparation rooms having concealed piping for gas, water and drain lines.
  • State-of-the-art equipment is available for preparing various dosage forms to advanced novel drug delivery systems using a Rotary Tablet Machine, Coating Pan, Stability Chamber, Probe Sonicator, Brookfield Viscometer, Triple Roller Mill, Colloid Mill, Tray Dryer and Homogenizers.
  • High-precision analytical instruments are available for analyzing various drugs & their dosage forms using FTIR with ATR provision, HPLC, UV-Visible spectrophotometer, Electrophoresis, pH meters among others.
  • An Air-conditioned Auditorium with 250 seating capacity, Centrally Air-Conditioned seminar hall with an Interactive Digital Display Board shaving 150 seating capacity.
  • An Air-conditioning, Board room for Governing Body meetings.
  • An elegant hallway and a spacious Air-conditioning room for Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer & Hon. Chairman.
  • Spacious, Air-conditioning room for Director, Principal & vice Principal, Model Pharmacy, Central Instrumentation Lab, Classroom with Interactive Digital Display Board, Cabins for HODs and Associate Professors of various departments, IQAC Cell,  Placement Cell, Entrepreneurship Cell and Library.
  • Convenient faculty rooms are provided
  • Efficiently planned air-conditioning Office and Administrative wing provided with attractive facade with glass panelling.
  • Wi-Fi connectivity.Girls Common Room
  • 30,000 sq. ft. cellar parking
  • 2 lifts and 3 wide stairways
  • An Air conditioning Computer Laboratory equipped with 160 high-end computers and 19 printers, 2 scanners and 4 photocopier machines for computer practical sessions and preparation for seminars, conferences and presentations. It also has a Language Laboratory tool to train students in English language skills (EWL). The college has 134 computers for student usage, and 500 MBPS internet speed is available on campus


In compliance with CCSEA norms, we have established a state-of-the-art animal house facility to perform experiments on small animals.

  • It is a centralized air-conditioned facility with air curtains at the entry and exit and an air circulatory system.
  • Animal houses have spacious rooms to house different species of animals.
  • It also has a sick room, necropsy room, cleaning area, and store room.
  • We have an ultra-freezer to store the animal carcass until its disposal.
  • The necropsy room is equipped with a surgical table, surgical kit to perform surgeries and euthanasia chamber to sacrifice the animals after completion of the experiments.

We have a contract with a reputed biowaste disposal agency to dispose the animal waste. We are conducting all the animal experiments in compliance with CCSEA guidelines. This facility is used to do experiments on small animals (Rodents).  All the B. Pharmacy, Pharm D and M. Pharmacy students will get hands-on training on animal handling, drug administration and blood withdrawal techniques. Every practice school project and M.Pharm dissertation work will be supported with in vivo studies which will enable the research work to be published in peer reviewed journals


Model Pharmacy is the State-of-art facility in SNVPMV created to improve practical exposure to the students which familiarizes the students with all the logistics of drug store management. It is an air-conditioned facility created on the ground floor near the entrance, and accessible to all the students

It was inaugurated by Sri Navin Mittal, IAS, Commissioner of Technical Education, Govt. of Telangana and Prof. C. K. Kokate, former Vice Chancellor K.L.E. Deemed University, former Vice Chancellor Kakatiya University, and former President, Pharmacy Council of India, in Sarojini Naidu Vanita Pharmacy Maha Vidyalaya.

  • It contains the outer cartons of all medicines, cosmetics and neutraceuticals exactly similar to medical shops, but without the medicines inside cartons.
  • Model Pharmacy enables an offsite pharmacy student to provide real-time order verification and consultation, and gives hands-on experience to the students.
  • It familiarizes the students with the logistics of pharmacy store management, the role of the pharmacist, and patient counseling.
  • Model Pharmacy provides real-time order verification, and patient counseling in various therapeutic segments and checks the drug–drug interactions of the prescriptions
  • Students learn to perform the role of Pharmacist, vital sign measurements, monitoring and auditing of drug store activities
  • Model Pharmacy provides a unique opportunity to know therapeutic segment-wise brand names of drug products and their manufacturers apart from understanding the inventory management principles.
  • We have placed 2700 products of various brands that belong to different pharmacological classes that are listed in the computer with 10 columns under different headings like generic name, indications, storage conditions, etc.
  • All the students will visit the Model Pharmacy once in week as per the timetable and become familiar with the drugs and their brand names etc.
  • It also contains 60% of drug & surgical products, and the remaining 40 % comprises neutraceuticals, cosmetics products
  • Model Pharmacy is a unique facility of SNVPMV which is like a drug library to the students and gives real-time experience like a pharmacy


  • A well-stacked, centrally air-conditioned, library on the top floor with ample ventilation convenient for effective study/ reading.
    • It is well spread out over a plinth area of 150 sq. m.
    • Houses a reading room, reference section,
    • Has 1229 titles, 12930 volumes, 24 national and 16 international journals.
    • The digital library gives students access to 389 E-journals
    • Has Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) and access to platforms like Shodhganga and NDLI.
    • Internet facility for staff and students.
    • Can seat 100 students at a time.